Are You in a One-Sided Relationship with Your Business?
Starting your small business is a lot like embarking on a new relationship. It’s energizing and exciting. You spend A LOT of time with your
Feeling Stressed Out? Pull Yourself Out of the “Negative Zone” with This Simple Tool
Have you ever just had “one of those days” where your energy is zapped, you don’t have confidence, you’re stressed out, and just feel generally
This Script is All You Need to Rock Your Next New Patient Eval (And Keep Them Coming Back for More)
Imagine if I told you that “2/3 of people don’t brush their teeth.” GROSS, right? Luckily, that figure isn’t true. (At least I hope not.)
This “Good Thing” Is Actually Killing The Business of Physical Therapy
There is something TERRIBLE happening right now in our profession. It is something that on the surface, may seem like a good thing…but it’s killing
It’s Time to Address the Fear That’s Costing You Thousands of Dollars
I was in Florida recently, getting ready to speak in front of a BIG group of practice owners about marketing and PT practice management, when
Forget Self-Confidence: This One Trait Is the Key to Your Strategic Business Growth
I find that a lot of practice owners are confident in their abilities as therapists, but when it comes to running a business and being