We talk a lot about mindset, and it’s important to have the right mindset. And there’s two types of mindsets that we get to choose. One mindset is the mindset of scarcity, and scarcity really simply states that there is just not enough for everyone.
Scarcity says that if someone wins, someone must lose. Scarcity, promotes and enacts fear in us and worry and anxiety.
It kills our creativity, kills our passion, kills our energy. And for some of you, right now, that might be exactly where you are.
But I invite you to take a different road, a road of abundance and abundance mindset.
An abundance mindset means if someone wins, someone else can win too. An abundance mindset means that there aren’t a lack of resources. There aren’t a lack of opportunities, possibilities, capabilities.
For our world, it might mean that there’s not a lack of patients out there who absolutely desperately need our services. There’s enough for everyone, because there’s significantly more people that need what we have, to offer than actually do what we do.
By Jamey Schrier
PT, Founder & CEO, Practice Freedom U
April 16, 2020
2 minute video