Differentiate Your Practice with THIS one Thing
With so much competition out there competing for your audience, how do you separate yourself from the pack? In today’s video, I’ll share with you
Why Your Practice is Stuck
At some point, every private practice will struggle in this one area…consistent referrals. And nothing stresses owners more than a schedule full of empty slots. Check out
The Key to Developing Good Referral Sources
Let’s face it…practice owners need more patient referrals. The best type of referral, hands down, is the WOM (word of mouth) referral. They’re cheap (compared
One Surprisingly Easy Trick for Scaling Your Practice
Every private practice can benefit from scaling. Whether you’re just starting out with a small staff and a single location, handling most (or all) of
How Much Money do YOU Want to Make?
We all want to make more money, don’t we? We’ve worked our butts off and deserve it for goodness sakes. But to really make more,
One Quick Tip for Getting Your “to-do’s” …Done!
I have never met a practice owner (or any business professional) who didn’t have a massively long ‘to-do’ list. And just when you think your