Selling a Solution
Let’s face it…most of us suck at selling. And when we do muster up the courage to promote and market our practice, we focus way
How Bankruptcy Forced Me to Close My Doors
I grew up in a household where arguments about money happened as often as arguments about who used all of the hot water. Only later in
Getting Employee Buy-in Starts With This
You want to grow your practice and you realize you need employees to get you there. So, how do you get them to embrace their
Differentiate Your Practice with THIS one Thing
With so much competition out there competing for your audience, how do you separate yourself from the pack? In today’s video, I’ll share with you
Why Your Practice is Stuck
At some point, every private practice will struggle in this one area…consistent referrals. And nothing stresses owners more than a schedule full of empty slots. Check out
The Key to Developing Good Referral Sources
Let’s face it…practice owners need more patient referrals. The best type of referral, hands down, is the WOM (word of mouth) referral. They’re cheap (compared